Scholarships FundingThe meat fell in literature with a focus on literature and Slavic culture, including in areas of research and teaching of Slavic literature and culture with a focus like cave broader Slavic language (Russian, Polish, Serbian, Croatian and Czech) with a 19th focus on the and 20 Centuries. Given the nature of the course candidate must familiar with Russian literature and culture, and should preferably be "Do with (one of) and other Slavic languages and cultures of Eastern Europe.
The study Scholarships Funding programme is mainly centred around Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in Slavonic languages and cultures. The professor will also participate in research Master programmes and other overarching curricular subjects that are not related to any particular language (for the curriculum, please see the UvA’s digital course catalogue: http://www.studiegids.uva.nl). The Faculty’s BA programmes are taught within the College of Humanities, while MA and doctorate programmes are administered within the Graduate School for Humanities.
Research focuses on the study of literature, with a focus on Slavonic literature and culture, and is conducted at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) or the Institute of Culture and History (ICH).
In defining its Scholarships Funding research programme for the period 2009-2012, the Faculty has identified three research priority areas: Cultural Heritage and Identities, Cultural Transformations and Globalisation, and the interfaculty area of Cognitive Modelling and Learning. For further information about the Faculty research programme, please see: http://www.hum.uva.nl/onderzoek.
The professor of Literature with a focus on Slavonic literature and culture must be able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the field, as evidenced by his/her academic qualifications, publications and teaching experience. S/he has completed doctoral work on a topic in this or a related discipline and, as the prospective chair, has a good understanding of the domain as a whole.
For the full profile, please visit the UvA website.
Conditions of employment
The first order for a period was temporarily IS nothing more than two years. Subject to satisfactory one database management dies, followed by a civil servant becoming. The Will in accordance with gross salary scale, two professorial normally (founded between € 4.904 and € 7.142 per month before taxes shall be a full-time basis in accordance with the January 2009 pay scale). Offered in some cells, but unlike Werden employment conditions.Department
The Faculty of Humanities provides education and conducts Scholarships Funding research with a strong international profile in a large number of disciplines in the field of language and culture. Located in the heart of Amsterdam, the Faculty maintains close ties with many cultural institutes in the capital city. There are almost 1,000 employees affiliated with the Faculty, which has about 7,500 students. The Faculty of Humanities consists of six departments: History, Archaeology and Area Studies; Art, Religion and Cultural Sciences; Media Studies; Dutch Studies; Language and Literature; and Philosophy. Scholarships Funding Each department is made up of work pools comprising one or more professors and a number of other academic staff working in the relevant field. The Language and Literature department is made up of eight work pools, which currently employ a total of over 75 fte.
Additional information
For further details, interested parties should contact the secretary of the selection committee, D. van der Vaart, +31 (0)20 525 3804, D.vanderVaart@uva.nl, or the chairman Prof. H.A. van der Liet, +31 (0)20 525 4664, H.A.vanderLiet@uva.nl.
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