Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

UNU-WIDER PhD Research Internship Programme 2011-12,

Scholarships Funding The UNU-WIDER Ph.D. Research Internship Programme aims to provide PhD (doctorate program) students enrolled in universities and similar research institutions the opportunity to utilize the resources and facilities available at the UNU-WIDER for their PhD thesis research to produce a suitable paper for publication in the Research Paper series and elsewhere to work jointly with UNU-WIDER researchers in areas of mutual interest.

Details Selection criteria:

Scholarships Funding Applicants must
(A) are currently enrolled into the PhD program.
(B) has shown the ability to conduct research in a developing country or transition. Candidates working in other social sciences that apply but it must be remembered that the UNU-WIDER is an economic institution-focused.
(C) is fluent in spoken and written English.
(D) have good skills of quantitative analysis and statistics.

The Scholarships Funding criteria for selection (desirable)
Preference will be given to applicants
(A) who live or work in developing countries or transition.
(B) research topics related to the current program UNU-WIDER's.
(C) who are willing to work jointly with UNU-WIDER researchers for mutual benefit.
(D) which is in the final stages of their PhD.

Scholarships Funding Selection Procedure Details
1. Applications will usually be closed on 30 September each year.
2. Short-listed applicants will be asked to contact interested / relevant UNU-WIDER researchers to work outside the revised research proposal and research timetable. Only those supported by UNU-WIDER researchers should be considered for final selection.
3. final selection must be made in mid-November, with consideration of office space issues, gender balance, regional coverage, and relevance to UNU-WIDER project today.
4. short-listed applicants will be notified of the final decision in late November.
5. Applicant selected must confirm their decision to accept the offer of UNU-WIDER's 15 December. http://www.callforpapersinfo.com

The Scholarships Funding selected interns are expected to
(A) spend 2-3 months in Helsinki and return to their home institution afterwards.
(B) to pursue research on the topic agreed.
(C) contribute to the activities of UNU-WIDER-related research.
(D) gave a seminar on the results of their research.
(E) complete one or more research report (s).
(F) recognize the support of UNU-WIDER in their thesis, report, or paper if necessary.
(G) provide research assistance by 30% of their time (about 1.5 days per week), if necessary. This is subject to prior discussion with UNU-WIDER researchers responsible (s).

The Scholarships Funding selected internship
(A) receive supervision in their research fields.
(B) have access to research facilities and computing UNU-WIDER.
(C) equipped with office space (most likely together).
(D) provided travel grants, travel and accident insurance, and monthly pocket money of EUR 1300 to cover the cost of living in Helsinki for the duration of their internship. Health insurance must be arranged personally by the candidate. This Scholarships Funding program does not include costs associated with dependents.

Application Deadline:
Application Deadline 30 September 2011

Further details:
For more information about these scholarships please visit the link below.


Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

UC School of Law Undergraduate Scholarship Funding

The Scholarship Funding aim is to attract the best students to the School of Law and assist in maintaining and improving an excellent reputation amongst New Zealand law and the university. This in turn is beneficial for the standard of tertiary education at the University and benefit from the legal profession in Canterbury.http://www.callforpapersinfo.com
a) is a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident, and
b) registered in their final year of study in New Zealand secondary schools, and
c) will start the first year of full-time study for a Bachelor of Laws program at the University of Canterbury in the next academic year. registration must include LAWS101; LAWS102 also recommended, and
d) do to stay enrolled at the University of Canterbury to complete his law degree.

Scholarship Funding Application Deadline: October 1, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Research Position Scholarships Funding in Centre for Studies in Science Policy

Scholarships Funding Economic Research Unit based at the Centre for Policy Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University is mandated to conduct macro-economic analysis, simulation modeling and analysis of case studies are based to enhance our understanding of the functions of dryland rainfed agriculture and the macro-economic contribution may be in India. The purpose of this research unit is to build a case for evidence-based direct investment more generally to the rainfed areas and the appropriate form of investment must be in related sectors. The Scholarships Funding project is funded by the Ford Foundation and will run until December 31, 2012.
A range of positions are being filled during the coming months, starting from young researchers to senior colleagues. This is not time-bound positions, and therefore applications are invited on an ongoing basis.
Scholarships Funding Successful candidates must have a PhD in Economics and a combination of field survey experience, proven ability with statistical and econometric packages and reasonable publication record. Salaries for each position will be given as per agreed upon in the final project budget. For Scholarships Funding clarification please contact the Project Director. The qualified candidate should apply with their resumes and sampling of their publications to the following address. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Scholarship Application Deadline: An application window is open from May 1, 2011 to 1st September 2011.

Details Scholarship Information and Application

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

PhD Position Scholarships Funding in Biophysics

Scholarships Funding In particular, many bacteria are naturally competent for DNA transformation in which bacteria import naked DNA from their environment. Although the proteins required for DNA import most of the known, the molecular mechanism of DNA import is unclear. We designed and tested a laser tweezers to study the dynamics of molecular motors and power generation in the lives of individual bacteria in a different model bacteria. Scholarships Funding In future studies we want to apply statistical physics methods to overcome the transport mechanism of DNA molecules through the cell envelope of bacteria in the human pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Methods: The laser tweezers, single molecule fluorescence microscopy, microbiological methods

Start of Project: June 1, 2011 or later (E13, 65%)

Scholarships Funding disabled individuals with personal and technical feasibility of the same will be preferred. WWU is committed to increasing the ratio of women in the study. She was invited to apply for this position.

Contact details for applications:

Prof. Dr. Berenike Maier
Universität zu Köln
Zülpicher Str. 47b
50674 Köln
Email: berenike.maier@uni-koeln.de.

Please send your application (cover letter, CV, certificates, and two references) as a single PDF file by email to berenike.maier@uni-koeln.de.

It is mandatory that you visit Cologne for an interview.

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Research Positions Scholarships Funding

The Scholarships Funding position is initially for a period of sustained and that temporary for the duration of the project. The necessary qualifications and experience etc. are given below: The appointment is for a project of limited duration and the candidate is required to work primarily for project success. The Scholarships Funding selection committee may propose to reduce the time or more and lower wages or higher depending on experience and performance of candidates during the interview.

Deadline for applications: 27 May 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application